Singing Guide: JC Stewart

Singing Guide: JC Stewart

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you want to learn how to sing like JC Stewart, the first thing you need to understand is that he has a unique voice. His singing style is not about hitting the most impressive notes but about delivering emotions in every single word and note he sings. His typically soft-toned vocal color creates a feeling of vulnerability and honesty in his music. In this article, we will explore some tips that can help you learn to sing like JC Stewart.

Breathing Exercises

The very first step to develop your voice like JC Stewart is to work on your breathing technique. Stewart uses his breath to create depth in his singing, especially when he delivers emotionally charged performances. Some exercises that can help you improve your breathing technique are the Farinelli breathing exercise and active and passive breathing techniques.

Vocal Range

JC Stewart is well known for his ability to sing in a soft falsetto with ease. He uses this technique to display his vocal range. The best way to develop this technique is to practice with the pitch-training tools and the vocal range test.

Singing with Emotion

To portray emotion in your singing, you need to work on your pronunciation. The Finger Bite exercise and the articulation article can help you with your enunciation and delivery of emotion. Singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking should be the focus.

Special Technique

Stewart's unique style is due to his mix of contemporary and classical techniques. You can explore more about them in the classical vs pop/jazz singing and Contemporary vocal techniques: Heavy modal, Twang, Belting articles.

JC Stewart's Song Choices

JC Stewart's songs require a good mix of light and heavy tones to make them sound beautiful. Some of his hits showcase his unique vocal abilities, like "Have You Had Enough Wine?", "Pick Up Your Phone," and "I Need You to Hate Me." One of his best practices is to sing his lyrics with clarity and a clear understanding of the meaning behind each word. You can learn more about how to learn a song effectively in the related article.

Singing Carrots Resources

In addition to the advisory resources of Singing Carrots, they also have some skill-related videos that can help you achieve the JC Stewart style. The ones that can have better assistance to you are:

Learning to sing like JC Stewart requires practice and dedication. By focusing on the above tips and using the Singing Carrots platform, you can take significant strides towards emulating his unique vocal technique.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.